BentLovers & Friends
The sun will shine Saturday on our Bread Ride at the usual time, 7:30 AM! Come on out and enjoy a weekend of normal temperatures (for us) before the next cold front moves in next week! We will have hot bread, cocoa and tea after the ride. Lets make February a training month for March Madness and all the rides we are planning… especially the Signature Ride on the 26th. We are planning a Ride South Workshop Series Clinic on Thursday before the ride. The topic has not been decided on yet. Any requests?
We are sponsoring the DEQ Waterfest Kayak Races again this year. Get you kayak ready for the action! The date is April 16. We are also working on kayak rental tours where you can rent one of our kayaks and join a Ride South guided tour in the area. Ask Drez about the details and sign up now!
We are enjoying riding the yellow velomobile on some of our rides! We are moving forward on having VMs in the shop for your purchase! It is a whole new, cool experience! Stay tuned!