We are looking for the right person, or persons, to invest their time and efforts in the future of RideSouth. This is not a part time job solicitation, or even a full time job solicitation. It is a search for local talent with bicycle mechanical skills, marketing and sales experience. It is a search for strong, mature, health-minded individuals that are firmly planted in the Jackson, Mississippi area, and individuals that have a passion for helping others enjoy their lives more while riding bicycles and paddling, or pedaling kayaks.
If you are a customer of RideSouth, all the better. If not, you should be. That is the best way to understand the level of commitment we are looking for. That is the best way to understand the huge influence a simple purchase like a cool bicycle or kayak can make in someone’s life. A total commitment to customer service, in every way, must be paramount and natural. Seeking near-perfection should be inherent and easily tolerated.
So, if you are interested or know someone who might be interested, please do not call or write and ask what hours are needed or what the pay or benefits will be. Do come by the shop and develop, or improve, a relationship with us to determine compatibility. We have found that compatibility with cool folks in the past- but family relocation, medical issues or travel plans have superseded.
Yes, we realize this search will probably be in vain, but nevertheless it needs to be done so that our existing customers will continue to advertise, and our future customers will come to know . . . RideSouth really is the best Way to Ride! Thank you.