Many of us live in the South because we like the warm weather. Lately, it seems Mississippi has been moved North of the Mason Dixon Line, at least weather wise! The temps are cold, the wind is blowing and the sun is hiding. This has been going on a bit longer than we like, but that’s the way it is . . . so we will get used to it.
Riding a bike in cold weather can be fun and rewarding. Start off cold and burn more calories to stay warm! Some sun in the winter months provides a dose of Vitamin D as well! Working against the cold, dense air is harder than in the summer, too. Great training!
Good, light gloves and socks are essentials. A layer of lightweight marino wool provides dry warmth in any condition. Cover your head with a thin cap under your helmet to keep head and ears warm and you are set for a good, long ride! Regulate your head temperature easily by uncovering your ears as you ride.
We may not like cold weather any more than we like taxes, but taxes and death are inevitable, someone said. So, Southerners, let’s get used to the cold, ride a bike, and increase our health score so, at least, we can continue to pay our taxes for a long, long time!
See you Saturday at 8!