Greenspeed was in the Showcase for the inaugural Showcase Event held at the RideSouth shop on February 28-March 1 2014! The auction was a great success and the ride was well attended, with many “Show it off!” tee shirts given away! There was even motivational book singing by a customer who completed a cross country tour, alone, on her Greenspeed trike!
Friday night, the fun began as we set up the ping pong table in the shop to lighten the mood. Beer and wine helped with that and folks began enjoying the excellent fruit, salad, pasta and brownies brought in by Fantasy Foods! Mr. Robert Taylor was very entertaining as he provided a motivational auction for the Magnum recumbent trike that Ian Sims with Greenspeed had very generously offered. Some other items were also auctioned, including a unique Electra Cruiser bicycle and a Haro balance bike for kids. Everyone enjoyed the bidding and Mr. Ron Crowe took home the one-of-a-kind green Magnum! A check for $3100 was presented to Dr. Bob McGuire to give to the Batson Children’s Hospital at the University Medical Center!

Ron Crowe is successful bidder!
Our customer, and Greenspeed brochure “centerfold girl”, Janet Buckwalter, signed her motivational books for customers all weekend. Her excellent book, One More Mountain, chronicles extraordinary accomplishments by ordinary people when they become motivated. Janet finished her solo cross-country ride on a Greenspeed X-5 recumbent trike!
The Showcase Ride on Saturday had many folks showing off their tee-shirts and Greenspeeds! After taking one more pic, Jerome Hediger, with Greenspeed USA, joined us on a great ride in the Bay Area. Thanks to Jerome for bringing the Magnum to us and helping out all weekend! As the weather was a bit chilly, we took out the Greenspeed Glyde to try and keep up with Dr. Bob in his velomobile! It turned into a spirited ride and we were back in time to open the shop and enjoy some fresh, hot oat bran bread!
The RideSouth Showcase Ride inaugural event was a huge success thanks to our great customers and all of our Greenspeed representatives! RideSouth is proud to be part of this great team to help you enjoy life more! We hope you will come in soon and see for yourself why we say RideSouth is The Way to Ride . . . especially on a Greenspeed! Stay tuned for more on the exciting new Greenspeed Aero . . . an awesomely fast and comfortable machine!
RideSouth Recumbents, LLC
[email protected]
601 992-2490