RideSouth has promoted the Electra Brand, including the Townies, for our fifteen years of existence. Many of you have trusted us in our recommendation of the brand and the bikes. Earlier this year Electra sold out to Trek bicycles. This is unfortunate for the Electra brand, we feel. We have elected to discontinue buying Electra products and want to have nothing to do with the company. We still have many Electra bicycles to sell and will discount them, starting today, until they are gone. Of course we will warranty the products we sell.
RideSouth has made a business of dealing with folks that have integrity and companies that provide exceptional service. Electra no longer meets our criteria. We are bringing in some neat commuter bikes and are expanding our recumbent line-up. Please visit our shop soon to see what’s new and save money on our remaining Electra bikes. We recognize you have chosen RideSouth as your preferred dealer and we will do everything in our power to live up to your high standards.
Thank You,
RideSouth . . . The Way to Ride