Spring Fling Ride
Some of our Louisiana friends have suggested a Spring Cookout at the RideSouth shop. We have done this a few times over the years and next weekend looks like a great time to do it again! Join us Friday, April 5 at 5:00 PM for a burger cookout at the RideSouth shop! We will provide the burgers, beer and fixings! The ping pong table will be available!
On Saturday, April 6 we will close the shop to ride the LongLeaf Trace, launching from Sumrall at 10:00 AM. Folks can ride either direction and/or ride to Hattiesburg to refuel. Plan to meet us in Sumrall for the launch, or let us know if you need to take the RideSouth bus down and back. If we have enough requests, we will take the bus. Otherwise, we will just meet you there and you can leave when you are ready.
We need to hear from you if you are interested, in order to have enough food for Friday night. Please email a RSVP back right away if you are interested. If the weather is unsettled, we will move the cookout to Saturday and the ride to Sunday. As a back-up, we will postpone the event to the following weekend. One way or another, we will enjoy Spring with a LLT ride!
RideSouth . . . The Way to Ride!
[email protected]