by Jim
on February 5, 2013
Occasionally we get a call from someone wanting to know what a used recumbent bike, or trike, is worth. Invariably, we refuse to assign a value to someone else’s bike, sight unseen. Also, we feel uncomfortable when used as a pricing instrument to help someone else buy or sell a bike. We feel that negotiation needs to be only between the buyer and seller. That is where worth should be evaluated.
You see, we have found over the years that the worth of our bikes shows up in many different areas. Take relationships, for example. We have formed, and seen formed, life-long relationships with, and from our customers due to riding together on our weekly or annual cycling events. We have developed friendships and insights from a diverse group of individuals with a common interest. The bikes, and many riders, are still different enough to attract attention, both on and off the road. When asked about his unusual bike and appearance, our customer and friend Alan once said “I am a unique individual . . . just like everybody else.” That’s a good thing.
We constantly hear great stories about how our customers have surprised themselves in their accomplishments on their new RideSouth recumbent bike, or trike. We expect them now, and they never get old! Scott told us, after riding only a few months, he was off all medication and feeling great! Rodger has improved his racquetball game and can out-ride most of his friends now on his trike! Beth’s main motivation to surviving breast cancer was to ride one of her recumbent bikes!
The therapeutic value of a fast interval, a very long ride, a daily commute, or even a cross country tour has worth beyond measure. How about Dominic riding his Bacchetta bike from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast! Or consider Janet, who rode her Greenspeed trike to the Pacific Ocean, having started from the Atlantic Ocean . . . alone! She has even published a book about it called One More Mountain! What worth do you put on seeing a young man like Jonathan riding his first bike . . . ever! Or Kayla, showing off her Trets Trike to the hundreds of high school students who made it possible for her to ride! We have seen folks of all ages and capabilities conquer their own mountains, however large or small!
Since the late nineties, we have enjoyed being a catalyst for these stories to develop. It is a passion and motivation that drives us daily. We take enormous pride in placing you on the right machine for your needs. Let us get you started on the best part of your life, the next part! We want to help you write your story. How much could that be worth?
by Jim
on January 30, 2013
Click on photos to see more!

Here are just a few of the ways we have fun at RideSouth! See more on YouTube! Come and join us!
by Jim
on January 18, 2013
Ya don’t say . . .
Sometimes, even most times, it is the things we don’t say that speak volumes. Here are a few examples that come to mind:
Being on time for a ride.
Working hard up a hill.
Holding up a friend’s bike.
Holding the door open.
Shopping at your LBS.
Following up on a promise.
Voting your conscience.
Showing up at the gym.
Wearing your favorite colors.
Just burning fat on your bike.
Quietly doing good things may not grab other folk’s attention, but it should dominate the attention of the one that matters.
by Jim
on January 9, 2013
Everyone loves to be entertained. We watch sports, go to movies, theater, concerts, etc.. And there is great value available through these pastimes. We can learn how to be a good sport, how to be social, how to act and generally how to be a well-rounded person.
There is another form of entertainment that is more involving than watching or listening, though. By participating in the activity, one can extract much more value, it seems. There is still the seeing and the hearing that affects us, but a whole new experience is available when we are doing, as well!
Take a bike ride, for example. No amount of watching others ride a bike is like doing it yourself. Sure, it is entertaining when a cyclist rides by, but there is no real value extracted unless we are the one on the bike. So, let’s get our money’s worth out of this life and use more of our senses! Get on your bike and go for a good long ride today, and feel how truly entertaining it can be!
by Jim
on January 3, 2013
Every new year, and every new minute, brings a new opportunity to the table. We are taking these few minutes to thank our friends and customers for your support in 2012! If the smiling faces on our photo gallery pages are any measure of our success, we feel really blessed! We sincerely hope we have helped to make a positive difference and enhanced your life, in a good way, this past year!
RideSouth will grow this year! Lane and I are thrilled to have the support of Mr. Billy and Captain Johnny in the shop! It means everything to have the right personnel to implement growth plans, and expand our cycling and kayaking family! We are continually planning on having products, events and educational opportunities to help you grow too! Stay tuned for the best year yet, one minute at a time!
RideSouth . . . The Way to Ride in 2013 . . . and beyond!
by Jim
on November 28, 2012
Sure, Mississippi has some problems. But we think Mississippi has MORE solutions, by a long shot! Where else, on our planet even, can you ride your bicycle for hundreds of miles on a national park highway without encountering commercial vehicles or a single big truck, get off the Natchez Trace and pedal, paddle, sail or fish on a beautiful fifty square mile reservoir, celebrate Christmas in the Ridgeland Christmas Parade and ride in Mardi Gras parades on the Gulf Coast? Or maybe you would like to ride your bike to the Vicksburg Military Park and enjoy some high class hills and scenery? Where else can you show up on any given Saturday for the Rise & Shine Bread Rides and be treated to so many riding options AND fresh, hot, oat bran bread with homemade muscadine jam?? Where else can you find organized rides like Natchez or Bust, The Signature Ride, Memorial Day Trike Tribute, Birthday Celebration Ride and many other events, all year-long? Yes, the weather in the South gives us 12 months to have fun! And yes, we enjoy riding, kayaking and being in the South! If you haven’t figured it out yet, come by the shop and let us help you find out what RideSouth is all about, and why RideSouth is The Way to Ride!!
by Jim
on November 20, 2012
We will be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving! At this point we plan to be open ALL DAY on Wednesday. We also plan to be open Friday and Saturday, but you should call Friday morning to be sure about Friday. Please dial 0 when you get the message to connect to Jim’s cell phone. We are all planning to be with our family as much as possible, so thank you for your understanding.
We plan to have the Rise & Shine Bread Ride on Saturday after Thanksgiving. We will offer a 7:30 AM launch and a 10:00 AM launch, as this was well received last week. Come join us for a good calorie burn! Remember to get your trike decorations ready for the Ridgeland Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 1. We have a lot of interest in winning another first place trophy!!
by Jim
on October 31, 2012
Ride Date: November 3, 2012
This coming weekend at RideSouth will be a big one! We are sponsoring the first Birthday Celebration Ride leaving from the RideSouth shop. The weather will be beautiful and we have two launch times and two routes. Celebrate your birthday, or the birthday of someone close to you, by riding a mile for each year! If you have more mature folks in mind for your celebration, leave the shop at 7:30 AM and ride up to 100 miles up the Natchez Trace and back. If you had rather celebrate a younger person’s birthday, we will have a 9:00 AM start for up to 35 miles on bike trails and the closed portion of the Natchez Trace. Either way, you should plan to return to the shop between 11:30 and 1:00 for Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and some special bicycle cake! We plan to have the ping pong table set up outside if you still have energy to challenge the other riders!
Of course the shop will be open if you want to test ride some of the cool, new machines we are getting in! Also, we are kicking off our new rental program on November 1 . . . this Thursday! If you have considered a bike but need some seat time to help you make up your mind, the rental program may be for you. We are doing weekend or weekly rentals on a number of bikes and trikes. Introductory rates are based on the retail price of the new bike and vary from 5% to 7%, depending on time rented. If you are able to find a new bike we have just placed in the program (This weekend all of them are new!) the rental amount will go toward purchase of the bike that is rented. We must set you up on Friday afternoon for weekend or weekly rentals. Weekend rentals are due in Monday morning.
We need to know if you are coming, so please RSVP by email. Whether you have a birthday to celebrate or not, we will have some fun this weekend. We hope you will join us and find out, again, that RideSouth is the Way to Ride!
by Jim
on October 22, 2012
We are faced with choices constantly, ranging from the seemingly benign, paper or plastic, to life threatening, fight or flight. A movement is growing, however, that recognizes shades of grey rather than black or white, another direction, rather than up or down, and a different way of thinking . . . alternatives. Bringing a reusable cloth bag to the grocery is a good alternative for our planet, and negotiating might save a relationship, or a war. That would be a welcome alternative.
On a lighter note, for many folks coming into the shop, their perceived choice history has been a mountain bike, or road bike. The hybrid kind of got thrown into the mix over the years as a combination of the two. But many folks are discovering that there is a real alternative . . . a recumbent bike! Recumbents can excel in categories such as safety, speed, fun and comfort. Yes, similarly weighted, they can climb hills as well as any bike! We prove that over and over. They come in all styles, two wheeled, three wheeled and even four wheeled! More choices to consider!
You can debate road, mountain, or recumbent, just like you can debate whether the two prominent presidential candidates, or an alternative, cyclist-friendly candidate Jill Stein, has the better ideas. We are fortunate to have these choices. Popularity has never been a requirement for the best choice. Consider the originally unpopular Apple Computer. Cloth bags and bicycles make good sense for our planet. Let’s have a timely debate on our other important alternatives while we still have time!
by Jim
on October 16, 2012
The RideSouth shop will be closed on Saturday, October 20, 2012 for our annual Natchez or Bust (NOB) Ride! This is a great ride to Natchez, Mississippi along the Natchez Trace, finishing at the Natchez State Park. After a wine & cheese reception, we will shuttle to the Magnolia Grille, situated along the mighty Mississippi River, where we will enjoy cocktails and a great dinner while watching hot air balloons land yards from the restaurant! A scenic drive back along the same path we just cycled 104 miles adds to the enjoyment of a great day! Some folks even spend the night! Plan to join us for this ride next year!